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The Phantom Art Drop

The Phantom Art Drop

It's a gift just for you.

These art drops were the simplest and most immediate way to start this project.

My aim with them is to be a positive contributor to the communities I belong to. To reach out and connect with an overarching message that says “It doesn’t matter who you are but rather what you do and why you do it”.

What I hope to do by leaving these packages in obscure places is to touch the persons who find them. To give a word of encouragement or simply to share a life experience (after all sharing is caring right? – so that we never feel like we’re alone in anything)

So why bother to do this?
Together we can foster a renewed sense of community. Maybe the gesture of kindness would be reciprocated, within the finders’ own capacity ; without the need for recognition but for kindness’ sake. The idea is that over time, hopefully, this builds a wave of good will that permeates the fabric of our jaded society.

This is why the sign-off in each letter is usually “Love and Light”.
It’s what I believe in, it’s my wish for us all and so these art drops are simply my gift to you.

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